Thursday 27 January 2011

30 days of truth : Day Five

So clearly I haven't updated in a while lol, but it's not my fault! A lot of things have been going on. We've had Christmas, and New Year, and I had to fly back to the US to pack up the rest of my crap stuff, and...well, ok I'm out of excuses. So this is probably day 35 rather than day 5. But I'm going to pretend that we didn't have that lil break, and just pick up where I left off

Day 05 → Something you hope to do in your life.

I'm a stereotypical Cancer. I'm shy and moody. I observe and over-analyze. I'm very caring and nurturing. I've accomplished a hell of a lot in my short 23 years on this Earth, and sometimes I forget this. However, #lowkey there's something that I'm really anxious to do...

I want to get married and start a family. Growing up, I thought this would happen around the age of 20 (what the heck was *I* thinking?!?!). And after my dreams were destroyed (lol), I thought it would be 25. Now as that landmark is slowly approaching, and I've grown and experienced so much with life and men, I don't see it on the horizon anytime soon. Potentially at all. Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed, to poorly quote a Sex & the City episode. What you want, and what is destined to happen, are often two different things.

So you know, maybe some day I'll settle down and have the 4 kids I always thought. Or maybe I'll continue to live this single and fabulous lifestyle. Who knows?

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